I will talk about a subject which is not enough discussed ... It is about the red thunny-fish which is an unknown species. The thunny-fish is a "super predator", like the shark or the tiger. Its disparition could have an irreparable effect on the marine ecosystem.
So, in order to prevent this catastrophe the French government and the governments around the Mediterranean Sea have been voted for protection laws. But, in spite of the reglementations that the governments apply, which are more and more strict, the fisher men continues to fishing it. They goes further than don't apply the decrees, they use none authorized technique, which is "filet de draguage". In fact this is a technique which consists in let a fishing-net goes down the deeper that they can, and they to keep everything and after trilling what they have.
That's where the UICN (union Internationale de conservation de la nature) intervene ... They have voted for a moratory of the fishing activities of the red thunny-fish. What's a moratory ? This is in fact, a kind of agreement which prohibit the fishing of the concerned animal. It was the case for the walles for example...
But this has to be voted by the Iccat (Commission internationale pour la conservation des thonidés) for a total prohibition of the fishing activities of the red thunny in all the oceans, but especially in the Mediterranean sea. And they have the support of an influence group which is "green peace".
In order to alert you about the falling of the red thunny-fish's stock, the maximum quota that the fisher men didn't have to clear was 29.500 tonnes, and they have deducted 61.000 tonnes !!
They did not have to clear this boundary for the perreniality of the species.
One last thing, the most eater of the red thunny-fish are the Japanese... Most of the half of fishing thunny goes to the Japanese market...
There is an other "super predator" which is threatened by the Asian market, this is the shark. But this is an other history...
I have talk about the environmental aspect of the possible disparition of the red thunny-fish, but I did not talk about the economic aspect.
I think it would be non effective, mostly in Asia and particularly in Japan, because they use it for their traditional sushi… The sushi is a symbol, but the Japan would probably suffering of a drop of their food. Because of their food is made with fishes and particularly thunny. Even other fishes would probably suffer the same thing as thunny, because in order to replace the red thunny-fish, they would fishing more one specific species, like sword-fish…
1 commentaire:
MARK: 13/20
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I'm really pleased with your work this week, even if your English could do with a little more "soin"! I've taken one mark off for your heading because, even if I said your English would not be graded, I think the minimum required is that you ensure you have the right term for the SUBJECT of your post!
thon rouge = bluefin tuna
disparition = disappearance
moratoire = moratorium
baleines = whales
perennité = continued existence
histoire = story
(filet de) dragage = trawl fishing
Can I suggest that when you can't remember the word in English, you use the dictionary on the following website: http://www.wordreference.com/fren/.
Your resumé para is good, as is your comment para. You might have gone a little further in your analysis of the economic side of this issue, perhaps discussing the economic incentives to catch bluefin tuna. Apparently, since last year, market prices for bluefin tuna have roughly tripled. A single fish now fetches up to $100,000 in Japan. (Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/environmentNews/idUSL1364551020080613?sp=true). This might help explain why France and Italy in particular are against the moratorium...
If your post had been on time, you would have had a 15/20 this week... Good work. Keep it up.
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