However, some of them were turned back by Russia troops, whereas EUMM's head had political assurances by the Kremlin and that Eu monitors were meant to take up position inside the buffer zones by 1 october.
Moscow said it will complete its troops pull out by 10 october, but it plans to keep 8,000 troops in South Ossetia and Abkhaia. Russia also still has 9 check points near South Ossetia and 3 near Abkhazia. Saturday, Rusian troops left the checkpoint near the town of Gori in South Ossetia. It's the first dismantled check point.
A british member of the monitoring teams said that they were going softly because negociations were continuing at a higher level.

Next month, a donnor 's conference will be hold in Brussels. The US is going to give $ 1bn aid to Georgia and EU is expected to give the same amount. The European commission has already agreed for $700m over 3 years.
What is the monitoring mission ?
More than 200 unarmed observers from 22 EU nations, most of them are French. They are expert on human rights and legal issues.They're working in close co-ordination with the United Nations and the European security body (OSCE)
Mission duration : 12 months
Main actions :
-oversee Russian troops withdrawal
-ensuring stabilized situation : no violation of human rights and possibility to return home for displaced people
NEWS : withdrawal of Russian troops from one checkpoint folio on the Georgian conflict
Part of the folio which I found very interesting, it answers questions that you can wonder about
This article is the continuity of those on the conflict in Georgia. But this one isn't talking about the conflict itself but about the decisions and actions taken by the EU (and the US) to help ensuring a stabilized situation. This article and the news we now have (the one in red) show us the policy of the EU, and peacekeeping forces in general. We can say that a longuer and less "dictating" policy might brings more benefits at the end that a stronger one. However we can wonder why the EU took care of this conflict instead of the UN. It might want to have a stronger position on the international stage... The reading of the article made me think about some understandable points about the conflict.
Why don't the western countries want South Ossetia to be independent ?
What really is the policy of Russia and why doesn't it want to let EU monitors come in (apart from taking care of their citizens) ?
Why, today, with all the progress made in ideologies, technologies and democracies, are men still fighting each other for territory and wealth ? Because of injustice or because of greed ?
1 commentaire:
MARK: 17/20
- on time (2/2)
- heading + link (2/2)
- libellés (2/2)
- resumé para (6/7)
- comment para (5/7)
Excellent! There is not much to add this week...
On your resumé para: I would encourage you to try and give your own structure to the para, rather than using the article's organisation.
On your comment para: Perhaps you can keep a list of your questions somewhere accessible so that over the year you can pull together elements of response from your reading. This article in particular has thrown up a lot of questions for you. Perhaps you could suggest tentative answers, based on the background knowledge you already have. I have sent you an email with some clues which might help you in your search for answers! I hope that you will take the time to fill in the gaps as you read more!
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