jeudi 4 décembre 2008

Electric cars' future is not what we hoped

At the basis, it was meant to be the solution to stop consumming petrol and save the environnement. However, we can see that the sales are not what constutors were expecting. In fact, the sales fell to a half this year. Only 156 from January to October. Last year, the sales reached 374 in Britain. But how can we explain that consummers are not very tempted to buy electric or hybrid cars ?

Electric cars offer lots of avantages. It makes praticaly no noise, consumms no petrol and doesn't pollute the environnement. It is the best vehicule we ever found which respects the environnement and the people. It is thus very attractive, but it isn't destinated to every consummers. In fact, is has more or less the profile to the city. As it rejects no carbon, it doesn't let durty black fume in the air or on the walls and the air is more breathable. As it is silent, it doesn't disturb people in their appartement, who were fed up to hear the big car of their neighbour once started up. Thus, it is the perfect model which is adapetd to the city, and it is secure as well, as the speed doesn't reach a lot. And the small size is very useful : you can park almost everywhere, and avoid trafic jam. But, in our society where we tend to suppress all cars of any sorts, does the electirc car has a future ?

In fact, cities have increased their interests towards public transports, the car doesn't have its place. With the rebirth of the tramway, like in Marseille and Dublin, people can move everywhere they want. Now, with the velib' (Paris, Aix en Provence, Marseille), it is easier go from a place to another, as long as you find an other station where to put it. Cities try to remplace the car by other means, as the population increases, they found good solution. Thus, cars, even electric, are not very welcomed in this project. We can take the example of London, where car parks are built outside the town to avoid trafic jam, polution, noise etc...

But, in the countysides and around the cities, where we have to take the car often to go to work for example, is could be a solution of developpement of the market of electric cars. In fact, the new tendency is to have a little car which we often take to do our daile trajec (bringing children to schools...) and either a sport car, a monospace or 4X4 for special occasions... We have to take it into accounted, as MG and Chrysler are in bad position, because they continuied to believe that they could build big big cars for ever...

1 commentaire:

Thibaud a dit…

Quentin, I never understand what's your résumé and what is your comment paragraph lol