A little remember about Georgia : after a series of clashes, Georgia tried to retake South Ossetia by force. This led to a Russian counter attack. A cease-fire has now been signed but problems remain into the area.
- The EU gives a help of €500m (it will conern displaced people, rehabilitation, economic recovery and new infrastructures) and settles 200 ceasefire monitors into the buffer zones.
- NATO refuses the Georgian membership until the conflict is resolved.
- Russia recognised South Ossetia and Abkhazia independence but troops remain into the buffer zones. This situation isn't accepted by NATO who supends its meetings with Russia until it withdraw from South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
-NATO also criticises the EU ceasefire which allowed, according to NATO, Russia to stay in the buffer zones. The EU ceasefire is told to be in contradiction with the earlier plan of "status quo" (come back to the situation which existed before the fighting).
The Georgian conflict shows us that it is more about than an independence war from South Ossetia and Abkhezia. It seems that tensions from the cold war still remain. Indeed, Georgia has received help from the US and that as well as its want to be part of NATO has created tensiosn between Moscow and Tiblissi. The US economic and political influence has been a source of concern for Russia and the fact that Moscow has peacekeeping toops into the independentist areas has been a source of concern for Georgia. Another implicit (it's not told as a possible origin of the conflict) possible origin to the conflict is oil. The US has invested heavily in a oil pipeline which goes through Georgia and so has important interest into the country. Another pickly point between Moscou and Tbilissi about petrol is the Bakou-Tbilissi-Ceyhan pipeline which takes the petrol from the caspienne sea to Turkey, in avoiding Ruia territory. When it is completed in 2009, it will transport one million barrel per day. Moscou doesn't like it because a part of the petrol from the Caspien sea is taken in skirting its terrytory ( Le Monde n°19764, Tuesday 12/08/08 ; cf photo beneath). Therefore, we can see that a conflict has many different origines but that they're all linked with possession of richess.
The conflict also shows us mondialisation. Indeed, the conflict eventually involve the EU and NATO. These two are also "fighting" because they disagree. This conflict shows how problems can add to each other and then involve many people with many different interests.

nearest article
to know more about Georgia http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/country_profiles/1102477.stm
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